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5:21am 02-09-2024
Your soul was too genuine to be apart of such a fake & vile species. Rest in peace.
3:08pm 12-05-2023
I think of my third message to you appearing on your screen as you lay out there, and my heart sinks. I'm sorry you saw no other alternative.
4:26pm 11-28-2023
I was trying to find this site again after having lost it. I've always been curious about this self you show through code. I'm sorry that things happened the way they did.

I hope wherever you are is whatever you need it to be.
5:36am 11-12-2023
rest in peace lindy
2:46am 05-21-2023
you’re at peace now.
gigi, uk
1:36am 05-21-2023
Sorry I never reached you in time.... I hope you are finally at peace with yourself in the stars. I wish you well on your spiritual travels, and I look forward to getting to meet you when it's my time.

Rest easy now, L.
3:32am 05-15-2023
Thank you for being my friend and interacting with me Lindy.. You were such a beautiful soul.

I know you are now exploring the vast wonders of the stars.
11:21pm 05-03-2023
I hope its better on the other side...

2:33pm 07-31-2022
i am absolutely mystified and in complete awe at this website!!! beautiful work